Welcome to Our Website !
A message from
Our Pastor & First Gentleman
Rev. Bernadine Waterman
Deacon Reginald D. Waterman
Happy New Year from our hearts to yours!
Embrace the Change! The Year of Embracing the Change
Moving Forward: One Body, One Spirit, One Faith! |
Click the button below to see what our Ministries are up to !
Our Doctrinal Statement
We the, Polite Temple Baptist Church, believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible Word of God in doctrine and life & that Jesus Christ was 100% man and was 100% God manifested in the flesh, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary.
SalvationWe believe that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and all are in need of God's salvation through Jesus Christ.
The Holy TrinityWe believe in the Triune God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Eternal LifeWe believe Jesus Christ bore our sins in His own body on Calvary's Cross. The sacrificial offering of His life & His precious blood. God the Father accepts as full payment for the penalty of our sins. Through faith in Him, God grants the believer the forgiveness of sins & eternal life.
Come Worship With Us !
Sunday Morning & Weekly Worship Services
Morning Worship 10 AM
Holy Communion every 2nd Sunday |
Bible Study Club & Prayer Meeting
Every Wednesday evening 7-9 PM Fifth Weds. "Sweet Hour of Prayer" 7-9 PM |