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April 26,20204/26/2020 Leaning on The Rock of Our Scripture: 1 Peter 2:6-10
Background: In perilous times like these, we ought to find ourselves looking to lean on the rock of our solid foundation; that solid foundation being Jesus Christ. His death, burial and resurrection is that which the church has been built upon, it stands as the proof for our salvation. As a church, we are built upon Jesus Christ himself. We are built upon the testimony to him as crucified, risen from the dead, ascended into heaven, sitting on the right hand of the Father making intercession for us even now in these troubled times and coming back again one day to receive us into His Kingdom. We need to remember and hold on to the Rock of our salvation. Point 1: Our duty as a church As a church, we are defined as an assembly or a gathering of people. In the Greek, we are defined as the ekklesia, the ones who have been called out, called forth by the same God. As a church, we are identified as a visible body of believers who profess Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour and who worship Him in spirit and in truth. As a church, our personal interests should be put aside and our focus should be on that of:
Point 2: Our strong foundation, the Rock In this metaphorical description of Jesus Christ, he is called a stone, to denote his invincible strength and everlasting duration, and to teach his servants that he is their protection and security, the foundation on which they are built, and a rock of offense to all their enemies. This is what our strong foundation; The Rock is for us also. He is the living stone, having eternal life in himself, and He is life to all His people. The reputation and respect he has with God and mankind are very different. He was rejected by his own countrymen the Jews, and by the generality of mankind; but chosen of God, separated and fore-ordained to be the foundation of the church (I Peter 1:20), a precious, most honorable choice, a worthy person in himself, in the esteem of God, and in the judgment of all who believe on him. The Rock, the solid foundation that we as the church, the body of Christ, the Bride, the ekklesia are built upon! Jesus Christ is the very foundation-stone of all our hopes and happiness. It is He who became our Intercessor, our Mediator and gave us access to the Father (John 14:6) It is through Jesus that we are made partakers of all spiritual blessings.(Eph 1:3) This precious stone that was rejected, Jesus Christ, chosen of God, to be the Lord of the universe, the head of the church, the Saviour of his people, and the Judge of the world. Christ, our strong foundation, is a living stone who is precious to all who are faithful, building us up as Christians into lively stones, making us spiritual houses, adopting us into a holy priesthood! Our strong foundation the rock is Jesus Christ! Point 3: Our lives as chosen people All true Christians are a chosen generation who all make one family, a people distinct from the common world, of another spirit, principle, and practice, who could never be if we hadn’t been chosen in Christ to be such, and sanctified by his Spirit. All the true servants of Christ are a royal priesthood. We are royal in our relation to God and Christ and in our hopes and expectations. We are a royal priesthood, separated from sin and sinners, consecrated to God, and offering to God spiritual services and oblations, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. As Christians, wherever they may be, compose one holy nation. We are one nation, collected under one head, agreeing in the same manners and customs, and governed by the same Gospel; and we are a holy nation, consecrated and devoted to God, renewed and sanctified by his Holy Spirit. As Christians, a holy priesthood, a holy nation, it is an honor as servants of Christ that we are God’s peculiar people. We are the people of his acquisition, his choice, his care, and his delight. These four dignities of all genuine Christians didn’t come naturally; our first state is a state of horrid darkness, but we are effectually called out of darkness into a state of marvellous light, joy, pleasure, and prosperity, with this intent and view, that we should show forth, by words and actions, the virtues and praises of him who has called us out of darkness into a marvelous light. A people of God, who have obtained mercy and grace. A people who have been given the privilege to Lean on The Rock of Our Salvation: Jesus Christ during these perilous times. A people of God given the opportunity to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He is our refuge and our fortress! (Psalm 9:1 - 4) in these perilous times. Because as a chosen people, when we look back over our lives and think things over, if it had not been for Jesus Christ shedding His blood on Calvary’s Cross where would we be in this pandemic! We are God’s most valuable people in the world and he will take us through this test! Just trust him and wait on him, he will set our feet on a rock! (Psalm 40:1 - 2)
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